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Language courses are designed to help students act competently in a global and diverse world. Here students learn to communicate skillfully and effectively in a language other than English, demonstrate cultural and linguistic knowledge, and demonstrate an emerging intercultural competence. Language study has always been part of Jesuit education, but in the 21st century, increased global connectedness makes it all the more important that our students have experience communicating in languages other than English.

Requirement: Students choosing to study a new language at John Carroll must complete both the 101 and 102 course sequence. Students may not complete the requirement by simply taking 101 in two different languages.

Those continuing to study a language they studied in high school must successfully complete three courses in that language (101, 102, and 201), although placement may waive one or more of these requirements. Students placed in 101 must complete 101, 102 and 201. Students placed in 102 must complete 102 and 201. Students placed in 201 must complete that class. Only students who place above 201 are exempt from the language requirement.

Semesterly Language course offerings are available via the Banner Self-Service Schedule Search.