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Arrupe Scholars Program

The program Scholars Program is a mission-based scholarship and learning opportunity tailored to creating leaders for social action. Rooted in the wisdom of our 450- year-old Jesuit heritage, this program aims to produce graduates who are both trained in the academic study of inequality and committed to using their knowledge and abilities for the promotion of justice. In this way, it represents the University’s fundamental commitment to graduating men and women “with and for others.” For additional program information, please see the Academic Requirements section.

Director: Philip Metres, Ph.D.

Honors Program

The program Program is committed to modeling academic excellence at John Carroll University. The Program strives to provide a community whose members embrace gaudium de veritate -- “Joy from truth.” Honors students participate in innovative, collaborative coursework; engage in intensive learning activities outside of the classroom; and experience depth or breadth of scholarship. Inspired by the University’s Ignatian tradition, the Honors Program seeks to energize the wider campus by its commitment to the Liberal Arts, by inculcating its students a lifelong thirst for knowledge, and in encouraging habits of reflection and discernment that inspires students to apply their intellectual talents to meeting the needs of the world. The program sets three goals for its curriculum, with graduates who will:

  • Participate actively in their learning;

  • Experience depth or breadth of scholarship;

  • Discern and reflect on applying their academic experiences to the needs of the world.

Director: Prof. Daniel Kilbride

The Social Innovation Fellows (SIF) Program

The program (SIF) Program is a scholarship and growth opportunity for incoming John Carroll University freshman dedicated to creating social innovators and entrepreneurs inspired by Ignatian values. This fellowship produces graduates who can identify opportunities for innovation in the marketplace and can design and execute solutions for sustainable social change. For full program information please see the section on Social Innovation Fellows program requirements.

The Bishop Anthony M. Pilla Program in Italian-American Studies

Established in 1997, with the support of the Northern Ohio Italian-Americans (NOIA) and the Boler Challenge Grant, the program is named for the Most Reverend Anthony M. Pilla, ninth Bishop Emeritus of the Diocese of Cleveland (M.A., JCU ’67; D.H.I., Hon. JCU ’81). Through its course offerings in the Department of Classical and Modern Languages and Cultures, the program promotes the study of Italian literature, history, and culture. It emphasizes an understanding of the meaning of the Italian historical past, family, ties to one’s heritage, hard work, success in the face of obstacles, and the role of the spiritual in one’s life. It comprises a rich interdisciplinary curriculum in language, culture, literature, film, history, religious studies, and philosophy. A combination sequence of courses in Italian Studies leads from competence in basic Italian language skills to a thorough understanding of the language, as well as an interdisciplinary approach to Italian culture and literature. The program sponsors the Bishop Pilla Spring Break in Italy, and the John Carroll University in Rome Study Abroad Program in Italy.

Directors: Dr. Santa Casciani and Dr. Luigi Ferri, Department of Classical and Modern Languages and Cultures.