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Integrated Courses

Students must complete one, 3-credit Engaging the Global Community (EGC) course and one pair of linked courses (6 credits). Approved courses may be found by clicking on individual courses in the Courses section of this Bulletin*.

Note: Foundational writing (EN 125 or EN 120/121) is a prerequisite for all integrated courses.

Engaging the Global Community (EGC)

EGC courses are designed to help students interact competently with the broader world. They incorporate three distinct academic learning goals, to demonstrate an integrative knowledge of the human and natural worlds, to communicate skillfully in multiple forms of expression (writing), and to act competently in a global and diverse world. All faculty teaching EGC courses are also engaged actively in integrating knowledge relevant to the course, either through team-teaching the course or teaching a course associated with an interdisciplinary faculty learning community.

Students must successfully complete one 3-credit hour EGC course*. Semesterly EGC course offerings are available via the Banner Self-Service Schedule Search.

Linked Courses (LINK)

The linked courses are a unique aspect of a John Carroll education in which students take two courses which examine the same general subject matter from different disciplines. Each course is the co-requisite of the other, so students take them the same semester, and must pass both to achieve the linked credit. The integration is designed to foster an integrative knowledge of the human and natural worlds, develop habits of critical analysis and aesthetic appreciation, and demonstrate skillful communication in multiple forms of written expression.

Semesterly LINK course offerings are available via the Banner Self-Service Schedule Search.

*Note: The Core Committee reviews and approves all new core courses. While the course attributes noted on each course in this Bulletin are accurate when the Bulletin was released, it cannot reflect changes made since that time. Verify Core Designations online during the registration process by seeking the relevant course codes (QA, EGC, ISJ, etc.) in the Banner registration program.