
Code Name Description
SC101 SOC: FOUNDATIONS IN SOCIOLOGY What is society? How can we understand it? What is the role of the individual in society, and how does society affect individual lives? This course examines a variety of topics such as culture, socialization, social structure, inequality, and serves...
SC106 INTRODUCTION TO LAW AND SOCIETY An inquiry into the relationship between the law and social structure, both in the US and global contexts. Includes considerations of how laws are formulated, enforced, and challenged. Will explore how legislatures, courts, enforcement, and correctio...
SC111 ISJ: INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL JUSTICE Overview of the theories of social justice, including discussion and analyses of social inequalities both domestic and global, and issues related to civic engagement, social responsibility, and change. Service-learning component required.
SC115 MASCULINITIES Sociological perspectives on contemporary masculinities and men's lives. Topics include men's experiences with relationships, sports, violence, family, sexuality, caregiving, health systems, media portrayals and work. Includes analysis of the differi...
SC199 SPECIAL STUDIES Variety of courses with special focus; subjects will be announced in the course schedule.
SC199F SPECIAL STUDIES Variety of courses with special focus; subjects will be announced in the course schedule.
SC202 SOC: SOCIAL CHANGE Examines the processes that propel social change, including industrialization, urbanization, technology, war, social movements, and pandemics..
SC203 SOCIOLOGY OF SPORT Exploration of the cultural and structural relationships of sport to society. Particular attention will be given to issues of race, class, gender, sexuality, crime and deviance, education, religion, economics, and politics as they relate to sport. Th...
SC215 SOC: SELF AND SOCIETY Introduction to sociological social psychology theories and concepts concerning the relationship between the individual and society. Topics include the process of socialization, the development of one’s sense of self, how individuals are affected by...
SC220 CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEMS Overview of the American system of criminal justice as an integrated process with focus on procedures and functions or system components, including law, police, prosecution, court, and corrections
SC223 FORENSICS: OVERVIEW OF CRIME SCENE ANALYSIS Introduction to the practice of crime scene investigation and the field of forensic science. Students will learn about types of physical evidence, crime scene documentation, procedures, and subsequent scientific analyses.
SC225 SOCIOLOGY OF THE FAMILY Examination of the institution of the family, with an emphasis on its changing nature in U.S. society. Topics include family structure and diversity, interaction within families, analysis of courtship and marriage patterns, intersections between work...
SC235 AFRICAN AMERICAN HISTORICAL AND CONTEMPORARY EXPERIENCES Survey of African American people. Examines various facets and aspects of African Americans’ cultures that collectively construct ‘the African American Experience.’ Themes include the arts and sciences, literature and film, research, drama, migration...
SC240 CRIMINOLOGY Survey of sociological data and theories pertinent to the types and incidence of crime in America.
SC243 EGC: GLOBAL DEBT AND JUSTICE Examines debt from an interdisciplinary perspective, including how different religions and cultures understand debt, interest, profit, and obligation; the political economy of debt between nation-state and global institutions; and debt justice moveme...
SC255 ISJ: PREJUDICE AND DISCRIMINATION Study of prejudice and discrimination, including their history, contemporary sources, and prospects for their reduction, with application to U.S. institutions. Particular emphasis on understanding the social construction of difference and the experie...
SC257 ISJ: SOCIAL INEQUALITIES IN SOCIETY Theoretical and methodological approaches and analysis of the consequences of systems of stratification. Emphasis on issues of social class, class structure, and mobility in American society.
SC259 EGC: CUBA: PAST AND PRESENT This team taught History and Sociology and Criminology course explores Cuba's history from pre-Columbian times to the present; with a focus on connections to global systems. Given Cuba's history of settlement, conquest, colonialism, incorporation int...
SC260 CONSUMER, CULTURE, AND SOCIETY Examines the objects, subjects, and places of consumption, exploring a variety of topics such as food, tourism, e-waste, and fashion. Addresses problems associated with consumer culture in addition to ethical consumerism.
SC265 VICTIMS OF CRIME Special problems faced by victims of crime; crime prevention; post-crime trauma.
SC273 PUBLIC HEALTH IN U.S. SOCIETY Introduces basic concepts of public health and explores major public health issues in the United States. Central focus on health disparities regarding who becomes ill and inequalities of access to treatment due to stereotypes, racism, and social clas...
SC275 FAMILY VIOLENCE Social causes of violence in the family, especially dynamics of child and spouse abuse. Review of current research with attention to measures for preventing family violence and treating its effects.
SC280 ENVIRONMENT AND SOCIETY This course examines a variety of environment issues experienced in the world today, including climate change, the harmful effects of industrial food production, toxic chemical exposure and public health, population trends, overconsumption, and waste...
SC290 LINK: ENVIRONMENTAL SOCIOLOGY Critical examination of the relationship between society and nature, particularly how human activity has resulted in environmental degradation. Topics include climate change, environmental inequality, food production and consumption, and green energy...
SC299 SPECIAL TOPICS Specialized focus on selected areas and issues in sociology.
SC299A SPECIAL TOPICS Specialized focus on selected areas and issues in sociology.
SC299C SPECIAL TOPICS Specialized focus on selected areas and issues in sociology.
SC299G SPECIAL TOPICS Specialized focus on selected areas and issues in sociology.
SC299I SPECIAL TOPICS Specialized focus on selected areas and issues in sociology.
SC299J SPECIAL TOPICS Specialized focus on selected areas and issues in sociology.
SC299K SPECIAL TOPICS Specialized focus on selected areas and issues in sociology.
SC299W SPECIAL TOPICS Specialized focus on selected areas and issues in sociology.
SC300 DEATH PENALTY Interdisciplinary team-taught class on the sociological and philosophical beliefs underlying support for the death penalty; nationally and internationally. History of executions, legal changes in the death penalty process, public opinion, deterrence,...
SC303 WOMEN, GENDER RELATIONS, AND SPORTS Examination of the cultural and structural relationships of women and gender (relations) in sport and society. Particular focus on issues of culture, structure, and organization as they relate to masculinities and femininities, gender relations, and...
SC315 SEXUALITY AND SEXUAL BEHAVIOR Social scientific examination of human sexuality, including biological, social, cultural, and psychological aspects throughout the life course. Topics include sexual identity, expression, and variation; sources of beliefs and attitudes about sexualit...
SC320 SEX AND GENDER Study of the relationship among culture, biology, and social expectations of male and female behavior cross-culturally in global context. Topics include gender, health, and the body; gendered work and social change; gender and family; religion; socia...
SC325 GENDER, HEALTH AND MEDICINE Examines the relationships among sex, gender, health, and modern medicine. We will study topics such as how medical systems and health practices organize and create gender, medicalization and its critiques, the intersection of biological and social m...
SC335 PRISONS AND HUMAN RIGHTS Study of U.S. prisons from a human rights perspective. Covers the history, function, and impact of prisons in the U.S., including the rise of mass incarceration and the relevance of prisons to inmate rehabilitation; also, alternatives to incarceratio...
SC340 JUVENILE DELINQUENCY Historical development of America's juvenile justice system since its inception in 1902. The range of offenses committed by youth, including delinquency and status offenses; social and personal causes, effects, and interventions.
SC343 DRUGS AND CRIME Introduction to the relationship between drugs and crime; law enforcement techniques used to reduce drug abuse; prevention and treatment; and the arguments for and against drug legalization.
SC345 CORRECTIONS Correctional procedures and types of penal institutions, policies, practices, and inequalities in supervising convicted offenders.
SC350 SOCIOLOGICAL RESEARCH METHODS I Focuses on the logic of, procedures for, and issues relating to, theory testing in various types of social research. Topics include hypothesis construction, concept operationalization, research design, data collection, instrument construction, sampli...
SC351 SOCIOLOGICAL DATA ANALYSIS How to do quantitative data analysis, including SPSS statistical analysis program coding/recoding variables, levels of measurement, hypothesis testing, estimation, sampling distributions, bivariate relationships, correlations, and regression. Require...
SC352 PRESENTATION IN SOCIOLOGY AND CRIMINOLOGY How to present sociological research and enhance professional development skills. Meets the Additional Oral Presentation in the major (OP) requirement of the Integrative Core CurriculumCorequisite: SC 351.
SC353 EGC: LATINA/O TRANSNATIONAL EXPERIENCE Examination of social issues impacting Latina/o communities (Chicanas/os, Mexican-Americans, Puerto Ricans, Cubans, and Central Americans) within the U.S., abroad, and in this emerging transnational space. Topics include ethnic movements, immigration...
SC355 LINK: COMPARATIVE RACE AND ETHICS RELATIONS Overview of historical and contemporary dynamics of ethnic relations in the U.S. and selected regions and societies around the world. Fundamental concepts and dynamics in ethic relations, the historical and contemporary experiences of major ethnic gr...
SC357 DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION IN SPORTS Provides a comprehensive perspective of diversity and inclusion within North American and international sport and sport organizations. Specifically, explores and analyses how power and inequality based in diversity impacts people in sport and sport o...
SC360 URBAN SOCIOLOGY Growth of urbanization; patterns of ecology, social institutions, characteristic lifestyles, and current problems in urbanized regions. Analysis of the metropolitan regions, urban crime, characteristic urban ethnic patterns; global trends in urbaniza...
SC364 RACE, CRIME, AND CRIMINAL JUSTICE A detailed examination of the interplay between ethnicity and the criminal justice system, including historical overviews of the creation of an ethnic divide and how the CJS impacts minority communities in the U.S.
SC370 CULTURE, ENVIRONMENT, AND GLOBAL HEALTH Patterns of disease and illness in relation to subsistence patterns and the natural environment; nutrition and life cycle effects of disease distribution; disease, economic development, and the epidemiological transition; cross-cultural and internati...
SC380 ISJ: ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE MOVEMENTS A critical examination of how a clean and healthy environment is a basic human right. Topics covered include environmental racism, public health disparities, green collar crime, climate migrants, and how to ensure equitable sustainable development.
SC385 ISJ: POVERTY, WELFARE, AND COMMUNITY ACTION Critical examination of poverty and welfare reform, including the causes and consequences of poverty and solutions to eliminate it. The class will participate in a community-based research project with a local partner in the greater Cleveland area on...
SC388 FORENSIC SCIENCE IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE Focuses on the basic concepts of evidence applied in the criminal legal system. The application of legal constraints and definitions on evidence and trial process. Court decisions illustrate the use of forensic evidence in the legal process. Prerequi...
SC398 STATE ORGANIZED CRIME This course analyzes the political economy of crime. As such, it examines the links between organized crime, politics, and law-enforcement. Topics addressed include piracy, vagrancy and theft laws, the making of non-criminal war, and the militarizati...
SC399 ADVANCED SPECIAL TOPICS In-depth focus on specialized areas and issues in sociology.Prerequisite: One SC course.
SC399A ADVANCED SPECIAL TOPICS Prerequisite: one SC course. In-depth focus on specialized areas and issues in sociology.
SC399H ADVANCED SPECIAL TOPICS Prerequisite: one SC course. In-depth focus on specialized areas and issues in sociology.
SC399I ADVANCED SPECIAL TOPICS Prerequisite: one SC course. In-depth focus on specialized areas and issues in sociology.
SC400 SOCIOLOGICAL THEORY Analyzes classical and contemporary work in relation to three key sociological theorists: Marx, Weber, and Durkheim. Emphasizes economic inequality, formal rationality and culture, and social integration and regulation.Prerequisite: SC 101 and one ad...
SC435 LAW, ETHICS, AND CRIMINAL JUSTICE POLICY Interrelationship between law and its implementation; legal processes and institutional framework; social factors affecting practice in the criminal justice system.Prerequisite: SC 101 and one additional SC course.
SC440 VIOLENCE AND SOCIETY Trends and patterns of violence in society, its causes and consequences. Special focus on the influence of social environment, the impact of personal relationships, and violence prevention.Prerequisite: SC 101 and one additional SC course.
SC475 INTERNSHIP AND SEMINAR Internship in a human service, health, social justice, legal, or research setting; seminar on related personal and career growth, and analysis of and reflection on internship experience with seminar members.Prerequisite: SC 285 or SC 385; senior stan...
SC491 INDEPENDENT STUDY Prerequisite: Requires a pre-approval process which involves an instructional plan reviewed by the Instructor, Department Chair, and Dean's Office.
SC492 INDEPENDENT STUDY Prerequisite: Requires a pre-approval process which involves an instructional plan reviewed by the Instructor, Department Chair, and Dean's Office.
SC493 INDEPENDENT STUDY Prerequisite: Requires a pre-approval process which involves an instructional plan reviewed by the Instructor, Department Chair, and Dean's Office.
SC493A INDEPENDENT STUDY Prerequisite: approval of project by instructor of course and chair of the department. Directed advanced research and/or supervised advanced readings. Students must report regularly to faculty advisor during the semester. Course available only if reg...
SC493B INDEPENDENT STUDY Prerequisite: approval of project by instructor of course and chair of the department. Directed advanced research and/or supervised advanced readings. Students must report regularly to faculty advisor during the semester. Course available only if reg...
SC493C INDEPENDENT STUDY Prerequisite: approval of project by instructor of course and chair of the department. Directed advanced research and/or supervised advanced readings. Students must report regularly to faculty advisor during the semester. Course available only if reg...
SC493Y INDEPENDENT STUDY Prerequisite: approval of project by instructor of course and chair of the department. Directed advanced research and/or supervised advanced readings. Students must report regularly to faculty advisor during the semester. Course available only if reg...
SC494 INTERNSHIP AND SEMINAR IN CRIMINOLOGY Internship requires field placement in a law enforcement, criminal justice, legal, or research setting in which criminology work is currently conducted. Also includes a weekly seminar with ongoing reflection on and analysis of field experiences.Prere...
SC495 INTERNSHIP AND SEMINAR IN FORENSIC BEHAVIORAL STUDIES Internship requires field placement in law enforcement, criminal justice, legal, or research setting in which forensics work is currently conducted. Also includes weekly seminar with ongoing reflection on and analysis of field experiences.Prerequisit...
SC496 INTERNSHIP AND SEMINAR IN SOCIOLOGY Internship in human service, health, social justice, legal, or research setting; seminar on related personal and career growth, including reflection on internship.Prerequisite: Senior standing and permission of instructor; or completion of a minimum...
SC497 UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH ASSISTANT Students become more familiar with the research process by assisting faculty with their research. Tasks may include literature reviews, subject recruitment, data collection, entering data, and data analysis. Pass/Fail. May be repeated for a cumulativ...
SC499 ADVANCED SEMINAR In-depth analysis of selected sociological topics. Responsibility for this seminar rotates among faculty membersPrerequisite: SC 101, two additional SC courses, and senior standing.
SC499A ADVANCED SEMINAR Prerequisites: SC 101, two additional courses in sociology, and senior standing. In-depth analysis of selected sociological topics. Responsibility for this seminar rotates among faculty members.